The D-day. Finally, the day is here. We reached the dewan at 10.30am and the whole place was already set up nicely. Even the gift table was nicely decorated - thanks to Miqdam & Hubby. The only thing we needed to do was wait for guests to arrive. Well, not before we the family eat first! Delicious nasi beryani.
My ex-colleague Azura came at around 11am to set up this beautiful (and delicious) cake.
Pengantin lama dengan anak... Everybody on our side (err.. the ones yang my Kak Long assigned work wear this silver butterfly)
The bride & groom...
The family...

It was tiring but it was fun. The whole place that was so empty and "peaceful" at 12pm became suddenly full of guests by 12.15pm right to 4pm occupying almost all the 30 tables. I think about 1000+ people came. There are relatives and people I've not met for ages and it was so good to meet up. My Melaka clan came too. Such joyous occasion. My only hope for the new bride & groom is happiness always...