Yesterday we had a small birthday celebration for Wani and also a meeting to discuss Nizam's wedding this coming 22, 23 & 24 Oct. Three straight days! Nikah on 22/10, celebrate belah perempuan 23/10 and finally on our side 24/10. Pengsan.
Alhamdulillah, semua yang kena discuss dah didiscusskan. Everybody has been assigned with tasks. My task - I kena berlari-lari disegenap penjuru dewan untuk memastikan food cukup, tempat duduk cukup, kot-kot ada VIP kena bawak pegi meja and wherever possible accidentally drop my namecard di atas meja dengan harapan VIP tu interested nak beli company I, make sure the itinerary is followed, and all the other kuli work. Biasalah, kerja-kerja makcik pengantin.
Hmm... anak sedara I yang dari kecik I dok jaga, dok gaduh dan membesar sama-sama dah nak kahwin...
My father baca doa untuk birthday Wani. That's the cake I baked for her. Vanilla cake with cocoa cream and choc chips. I actually teraccident dropped this huge glob of cocoa cream on top. So, nak cover line, pegi la letak stars which in the end looked like ikan keli jer. Tapi tak pe, cake sangat sold out within minutes.
Birthday girl sengih je. She's 11 now. Kejap je dah besar lah.
Let's see, I memang jadi cook semalam sebab my elder sisters pegi merayau. So, the meehoon goreng pun cooked by yours truly - meehoon hailam with blackpepper. My BIL Abang Din rasa and asked, "Tak letak cili langsung?". Memang tak. But we also made cili kicap with lime yang pedas and masam. Laju je dia makan! Meehoon also sold out. Yeay...
Alhamdulillah, semua yang kena discuss dah didiscusskan. Everybody has been assigned with tasks. My task - I kena berlari-lari disegenap penjuru dewan untuk memastikan food cukup, tempat duduk cukup, kot-kot ada VIP kena bawak pegi meja and wherever possible accidentally drop my namecard di atas meja dengan harapan VIP tu interested nak beli company I, make sure the itinerary is followed, and all the other kuli work. Biasalah, kerja-kerja makcik pengantin.
Hmm... anak sedara I yang dari kecik I dok jaga, dok gaduh dan membesar sama-sama dah nak kahwin...

Let's see, I memang jadi cook semalam sebab my elder sisters pegi merayau. So, the meehoon goreng pun cooked by yours truly - meehoon hailam with blackpepper. My BIL Abang Din rasa and asked, "Tak letak cili langsung?". Memang tak. But we also made cili kicap with lime yang pedas and masam. Laju je dia makan! Meehoon also sold out. Yeay...