1. At the Gombak ceremony, after most of our delegation from Bangi went back, Nizam & Zura berduet nyanyi karaoke lagu Seiring dan Sejalan. Tak tau pun yang anak sedara I ni boleh menyanyi rupanya! Suara macam Broery & Sharifah Aini la pulak...
2. The night we assembled the bunga manggar, baru perasan yang we actually bought different kinds for purple and silver. And to make things worst, tak cukup. In Miqdam's words: macam ayam togel je! Good thing my Abang Ben managed to buy 2 more packets that Sunday morning. So, tak lah togel sangat...
3. We got 100 eggs ready for the bunga pahar. When we tried putting the eggs, the net of the bunga pahar was too small. No eggs can be tied to the bunga pahar. So, we went to Giant nearby to get those little packets for the eggs but couldn't find any. In the end, we bought wires and glue to try tying the eggs. Then, we found that only the purple bunga pahar have that problem. The ones in white and silver are OK. So, in the end, we only made the white ones. The purple ones are left as they are without eggs. Lesson learned: next time must test!
4. We all rasa nak cekik, ikat and campak the MC on our side masuk sungai. She was so ignorant, didn't know what's happening and paling tension - dia pegi promote her own events. Asal ada free time je, dia menyanyi. Mana Abang Din jumpa dia ni tak tau la.

band main muzik punya kuat, sampai malam rasa pekak. gegendang bocor kot.