The day started very early. After breakfast, my Kak Long and me started cooking. I had 3 large ikan siakap to clean and cook! Belasah saja - 1 deep fry with sambal, the other 2 steam limau (and lemon) with cili api kicap.
The feast. My mother keluarkan pinggan mangkuk warna gold ala2 pengantin yang dah sedia ada as long as I remember.
Doa selamat by my father. The men makan dulu sebab nak pegi Friday prayers.

After prayers, terus siapkan pengantin. Nizam was so nervous. He gulped dunno how many glasses of air penenang hati made by my father. Hehehe...
Dalam nervous tu sempat jugak kacau his small cousins.
Sekali lafaz saja. Tak sia2 Nizam berjaga malam hafal lafaz nikah. Dan tak sia2 dia minum berbotol2 air penenang hati!
Sebak juga lepas dengar dia lafaz akad tu. This is one nephew I grew up with. We are 9 years apart only. And I spent most of my holidays at my Kak Long's place taking care of him. Such naughty boy when he was little. Now dah jadi suami orang. My niece Nurul cried like crazy right after. All the small cousins are so close with him. Sekarang tak boleh nak gurau-gurau macam dulu!

Sebak juga lepas dengar dia lafaz akad tu. This is one nephew I grew up with. We are 9 years apart only. And I spent most of my holidays at my Kak Long's place taking care of him. Such naughty boy when he was little. Now dah jadi suami orang. My niece Nurul cried like crazy right after. All the small cousins are so close with him. Sekarang tak boleh nak gurau-gurau macam dulu!