It's not really a "party" party. Our last real party for her was years back when we bought her that Barbie cake. This is the usual, not planned makan-makan - I wanted to get Nizam to try the carrot cake I'll be baking for his hantaran this coming Friday. Might as well make one cake for my sayang daughter Aliyah Maisarah. So happen, my uncle came bringing his delicious laksa. So, we had a little early celebration.
My father baca doa while the birthday girl looks at the cake impatiently.
Bersungguh-sungguh potong cake.
Makan time! Bakal pengantin buat aksi menyibuk.
Makan my delicious carrot cake. Hehehe... sold out within minutes. I used to buy the carrot cake from my ex-colleague Marina. She then gave the recipe to me. Since then I buat sendiri. This is the recipe that tastes so much better than the one sold at Secret Recipe. Seriously. And Marina actually got it from a website.
Happy Birthday my beautiful comel daughter! We love you so much!
