Aliyah already got her birthday present. Her birthday is not till Tuesday. Yesterday night we took her out to buy a pair of roller blades. She's been wanting them ever since Raya when she tried on her Mak Ngah Mas' old pair. Now that she has her own, in her own size, she took only 15 minutes to learn and now she can roller blade. Well, limited to the living room only. She's trying her very hard to master it so that she can graduate outside. When that time comes, we need to get her a helmet and knee & elbow guards.
Aliyah is a girl full of determination. If she loves something, she will try and try to master it till she gets it. She spent the whole day in those roller blades today, practicing to and fro the sofa and the writing desk. I think she gets it from Hubby. That's why both father and daughter can sit and play PS2 together. I'm not that kind of person I guess. I'm the multi-tasking person. I can't sit around mastering something till I really get it. I take a break and then come back (when I actually come back to complete it - depends!) because I need to do something else.
