My vege patch has been neglected throughout Ramadhan and Syawal. Malas sangat nak buang rumput sampai dah jadi semak. Bukan apa, those little menacing white flies buat hati panas je. They attack my chili, tomato and brinjal plants. Then there is this type of black little insects that attack my basil plant. I don't like to buy those chemical-based pesticides. Beli organic punya tak da effect apa-apa pulak. There is this recipe for home-made organic pesticide made of cili api, garlic and dishwasher soap that I have yet to try. So, the vege patch has been left for months.
Just last week baru rajinkan diri buang rumput and baru found out that my lady's fingers / okra plants have started bearing flowers. It seems they are the only ones yang tidak diattack dengan brutalnya oleh those insects. For the past week, I get to "harvest" one okra a day from my 3 plants. Jadinya, dok buat masak asam pedas la sekarang ni.
Okra has such beautiful flowers - yellow with crimson red inside. I just "harvested" one this morning. As you can see, there is another medium size one which I can pluck tomorrow, and the little one will be the day after. And this flower - I should be able to pick it in 3- 4 days' time. Jimat duit beli sayur!
Just last week baru rajinkan diri buang rumput and baru found out that my lady's fingers / okra plants have started bearing flowers. It seems they are the only ones yang tidak diattack dengan brutalnya oleh those insects. For the past week, I get to "harvest" one okra a day from my 3 plants. Jadinya, dok buat masak asam pedas la sekarang ni.
