Oven I dah start berasap balik. My nieces Wani and Nurul awal-awal dah start order birthday cuppies and cakes for their birthdays. Wani's birthday is tomorrow, while Nurul's is early next month. Yesterday night, after coming back from work, tak sempat nak rehat pun terus buat choc moist cuppies and vanilla with choc chips cuppies. No frosting. Wani order to take to school this morning for her friends. Tomorrow pulak kena buat birthday cake for her to celebrate with family. She requested for vanilla cake. Let's see... I'll either make lemon butter cream or simple chocolate cream.
Masa Wani order tu, I jengilkan mata and said they will all cost her RM50! She mentally calculated, grinned and said OK. Yesterday when she came over to pick up the cakes, dalam tangan dah siap duit. Mesti duit raya tu! Alahai kesiannya anak sedara aku... I told her I was just joking. Free of charged. After all, my nieces are like my own kids. Instead of getting her own mother to bake her the cakes, sanggup suruh makcik dia ni :). And sanggup bayar lagi! I told Wani - make sure you tell you friends to come by cakes from me! Hehehe...
Masa Wani order tu, I jengilkan mata and said they will all cost her RM50! She mentally calculated, grinned and said OK. Yesterday when she came over to pick up the cakes, dalam tangan dah siap duit. Mesti duit raya tu! Alahai kesiannya anak sedara aku... I told her I was just joking. Free of charged. After all, my nieces are like my own kids. Instead of getting her own mother to bake her the cakes, sanggup suruh makcik dia ni :). And sanggup bayar lagi! I told Wani - make sure you tell you friends to come by cakes from me! Hehehe...
tapi tak pe, ada one more coming this 19th Oct. aduss... pening. anak dara kecik tu mtk bwk dia pegi manicure! mak dia pon tak penah pegi nih.