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Welcoming 2018

Happy new year 2018!

Sigh... I actually hate new year. Because it feels like Monday. No more fooling around. Time to get serious. School has started. That joyous feeling at the end of December now feels like a drunk nursing a hangover.

Anyway, on a very positive note and slightly amusing story - I made it peeps! I walked 200,000 steps in December! Earned my first star at the 11th hour 😁. Just 2 hours before midnight, I achieved it. Mulanya dah set dalam kepala yang tak akan dapat achieve. But then, on Saturday cuma tinggal 26,000 steps to go. Rasa macam dah boleh sangat. Lebih-lebih lagi sebab merayap ke IOI City Mall dan petangnya plan nak jog. But then, I had a headache. Tak jadi jog.

Yesterday - I jogged 5kms non-stop! Personal best 💪. Tak pernah berlaku sebelum ni 😄. Ok, Ok, it helped that the weather was cool. Even masa lari pun terasa tangan sejuk kena angin. Malam tu lepas dinner, I only needed 1,600 steps. So, anak comel accompanied me to walk from Grato to Pustaka Maju for me to buy some stuff for my sewing project. Bila sampai rumah, seemed I only needed 500 steps more. And it was around 10pm. Rasa ruginya kalau tak kejar because 500 steps are not that many.

Here's what happened - I asked Hubbs to accompany me to walk just around here, so we walked till my Angah's house, took a peek kot lah dapat jumpa Baby Ilham. Tapi Izzul's car was not home. Then checked my steps and tadaaaa.... cukup 500 steps! And we went back home 😅. Hehehe...
 It was 54mins for 5kms. Actually kurang 2mins saja dari biasa. Terus buat azam tahun baru (sebenarnya sama saja dengan azam tahun-tahun lepas) - nak jog at least 3 days a week.
 Lepas jogged, tambah 2 rounds of walking sementara tunggu Hubbs habis lari.
 I did it 🙌!
Apparently, those yang dah complete 200k akan dapat this interface 👍.

Now, the January challenge has started. It's called Igloo challenge. Tengah kumpul azam nak start early. Hopefully petang ni hujan akan berhenti and we can go for a run💪.
