It's still raining on the very first day of 2018, which means I can't go out for a jog as planned. So, here's a throwback on 2017, an absolutely amazing year. It was filled with ups and downs, of course, but I must say, at this age, things are getting better. With better tolerance and patience, I'm happier, more at peace and ease, and with enough me-time for myself while taking care of my little family. I traveled with friends, took up a new hobby, started a vegetable patch, tried new eateries, cooked new recipes...
Starting from my 46th birthday, I shut out negativity from my life - I browse less of social media especially pages of people who use the platform to post insults, slanders and hateful words. I use more of social media for better purposes like getting news, knowledge, positive energy and learning new skills. Alhamdulillah, I have cleared most of my debts and that made my life so much at peace. So, I can say that 2017 has been kind to me and my family. I pray for more of such years to come 😍.
At a glance...
Let's see... Other than that, the numerous trips to IOI City Mall, Alamanda, and latest addition - MyTown with anak comel, most of the time just window shopping. She's turned into quite an interesting companion in terms of trying new eateries. That's one of the reasons for my weight gain!
Now, praying for another fantastic year 👍. Yes, I am being very optimistic. My motto - be gracious, polite, humble, generous and thankful. In simple words - redha, pemurah dan syukur. You will find that your heart will be cleansed and you will be more at peace 👌.
Starting from my 46th birthday, I shut out negativity from my life - I browse less of social media especially pages of people who use the platform to post insults, slanders and hateful words. I use more of social media for better purposes like getting news, knowledge, positive energy and learning new skills. Alhamdulillah, I have cleared most of my debts and that made my life so much at peace. So, I can say that 2017 has been kind to me and my family. I pray for more of such years to come 😍.
At a glance...
New addition to Angah's family - Atie. And now they have a son.
Baby Ilham 😍.
Hubbs is back home after an 8-month stint in Brunei. The first half of the year was quite difficult for us. Projects are scarce these days and Hubbs had to resort to driving Uber and Grab for some time. Alhamdulillah, berkat doa dan usaha he's now on a project. Sama-sama doa dan sama-sama usaha.
I took a crazy step by buying myself a sewing machine. I just thought sewing is something I think I could do and perhaps can be turned into a source of income, if not a hobby during my free time. And it turned out to be an excellent investment.

This was my very first sewing project! After that I started to sew better tote bags which I managed to sell on Carousell and IG. I then graduated to zipped pouches and coin purses, Japanese knot bags, and after that, I actually sewed pajama pants and a blouse. I sewed cushion covers to replace the old ones we've had for years, something unthinkable before. I found that sewing is something I enjoy doing and alhamdulillah, I even managed to make some money out of it.
I'm now learning how to draw customise pants pattern. But this pair of pants I last sewed, I tell you, is one of the most comfortable pants I ever owned! I bet you can't spot that little pocket I sewed just enough to house my phone 😄.
I traveled to Surabaya in April with the usuals. It was one of the best trips ever. Just out of this world. There's another trip end of this month insyaallah. After that there won't be much as anak comel will be taking her SPM this year, and my friend Ies is starting work after her sabbatical leave.
The trip to Bromo was an amazing experience... Magical, mythical... This was sunrise at Penanjakan overlooking Mount Bromo. It was so cold on the mountains. Under that green jacket I had on 3 layers of clothing - compression shirt, trail run jacket, and thick T shirt I usually wear to watch movies at the cinema.
Fitness wise, it was a good year. Hubbs and I hiked up MCP quite a few times. But then the activity slowed down after he started working and I just lost the momentum to exercise on my own. I lost a few kgs early of the year, but put them back on after Raya. Sigh... this year, as usual, the resolution is to exercise more and hopefully lose some weight! I did a full body medical check up and the results, alhamdulillah, was quite good. Except that my cholesterol level is on borderline. So, lace up those shoes and get running!
Managed to enter the Bottled Hope trail run in May 💪
I registered a new sole enterprise company for myself specifically for my free-lance work in June. Alhamdulillah, I was engaged for a few translation and proof-reading jobs. So, that's my focus besides my sewing projects. With my daily responsibilities, free-lance work is the only solution. But I just love the ability and opportunity to work from the comfort of my home. I pray this year will bring more of such projects.
Life is just ordinary I guess. But I am contented and thankful. Gives me the time and energy to channel into doing things I love. I "renovated" this little plot of garden and made it into a vegetable patch. So, that's where you can find me in the mornings 😍.
It amazes me how much we harvested from this little plot. I made countless kerabu ulam from the plants that I grow here.
Let's see... Other than that, the numerous trips to IOI City Mall, Alamanda, and latest addition - MyTown with anak comel, most of the time just window shopping. She's turned into quite an interesting companion in terms of trying new eateries. That's one of the reasons for my weight gain!
Now, praying for another fantastic year 👍. Yes, I am being very optimistic. My motto - be gracious, polite, humble, generous and thankful. In simple words - redha, pemurah dan syukur. You will find that your heart will be cleansed and you will be more at peace 👌.