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My Trip to Behrang

I just came back. Alhamdulillah, selamat pulang :). And Alhamdulillah Allah permudahkan urusan hari ni. Tapi the trip there agak mencabar actually. I met up with Amir, our partner, at my office and we drove off at around 9am. I drove and we were met with a massive traffic jam. Crazy, at almost 10am we were still in PJ at LDP. Nasib baik Amir has a GPS installed in his brain, so masuk jalan lain and managed to get onto the highway bound north. And nasib baik akak ada talent terpendam bawak kereta macam driver F1, so we reached the agency at Behrang lagi 5 minutes to 11am. Cool tak akak bawak kereta? I managed to avoid being flagged down by a police road block kerana dengan innocentnya membawa kereta at 110km/h at strategic places, ehsan the opposite drivers yang memberi highlights. At other safe unstrategic places, akak tak tengok pun meter tu. Heheheeh... Dah lambat beb. Meeting pukul 11.30.

Semalam baru Hubby tegur I bawak kereta laju. I sent Aliyah to my mother's place, then drove back to pick him up to go meet our contractor for kitchen cabinet. I ingat dia kat dalam rumah, rupanya dia dah ready tunggu kat luar. Kalau I yang drive, memang secara innocentnya depan dia. Hehehe... Bukan laju sangat pun. I pernah dapat remark from this guy named Bell, he's a Philipino dulu kerja kat company lama I, he told me, "You drive like a man". And I take that as a compliment. Sebab I tak suka orang kutuk perempuan bawak kereta. Masa I sekolah dulu, I pernah ada cita-cita nak jadi rally driver. Dulu my eldest brother, Angah, selalu masuk rally and I watched him on TV. I felt it was so exciting driving fast in places like rubber or palm estate. Rasa exhilirating gila. Dia tak la menang tapi selalu cerita his experience kat I. Sebab tu I tak suka tengok F1 sebab F1 ni dok pusing tempat yang sama je 80 kali. Masuk rally lagi exciting, siap boleh terjun parit lagi kalau navigator salah bagi instruction. Itulah cita-cita I disamping menjadi "cikgu" dan "arkitek".

Anyway, when we reached there, we met up with Rahman, our solution partner there but had to wait for our turn. Before us, ada another company buat presentation iaitu H...... P.... Company ni siap ada building sendiri you all. So, akak agak berbangga sebab company I dapat invitation to do presentation sedangkan keluasan office I mungkin hanyalah sebesar toilet company tu. I believe we did make an impact pasal project experience memang tak boleh lawan lah (ehem...) and our partner yang buat demo tu memang best. The IT boss dok angguk kepala je. And paling best I tak pernah jumpa sebelum ni kalau pergi buat tender presentation (dulu-dulu la) - integration yang client requested memang dah built-in. I pulak yang rasa impressed!

Wish us luck :) Semoga ada rezeki kat sana. Bukan jauh sangat pun.
