A lot of progress this week. Everything will be completed by next week, insyaallah. We plan to get my father to "buka rumah" next Saturday and move on Saturday the week after.
All windows have been installed.
The lights and fan at living room also installed. The rest will be next week. We selected this pair of nice crystal lights at very affordable price. This shop we went to at Section 5 Bdr Baru Bangi is good. Dylan, the guy we deal with, gave good advise and good price too. We got those lights at half price. Oh, he's the one who drives that Clio Renault I wrote about. Towkey kedai lampu pakai Clio... Ish, ish...
The kitchen cabinet has also been installed. Now the workers will complete the cornice and the small red tiles on top of the window.
We also ordered this bench for the kitchen. Hubby wants a place for me to sit and rest kalau balik kerja terus masak. We already bought a few cushions to put on top. Kalau susun cushions tu siap boleh baring lagi :) Also good place to sit if we have guests and our 6-seater table tak muat.
The pebble-wash outside also completed. Hubby chose dark brown.
My taman herba has received additional cowgrass and kunyit and limau purut plants. That should be it for now lah. Penat gali cowgrass tu.

Auto-gate has also been installed. Next week when the super-huge garbage bin is taken away baru boleh test. Grill work has also started at the back of the house. Paint work tinggal touch-ups at most areas and second coating at a few places. Basically, it's almost completed. Wardrobe will be installed on Friday, so that weekend, I can start moving our clothes.
It has been quite stressful and tiring these couple of days for both of us. But it has been an adventure. Apa orang kata - no pain, no gain.
It has been quite stressful and tiring these couple of days for both of us. But it has been an adventure. Apa orang kata - no pain, no gain.