Have not been baking for quite some time. Too busy. Ada opportunity hantar cakes to a co-op pun dah dekat 3 weeks tak dapat nak try hantar first batch. But I'm saying Alhamdulillah all the way. Busy is good. Having 2 projects at the same time is good. Having people calling us asking us to do presentation is good. Dapat atau tidak does not matter (of course we try our best lah). Alhamdulillah again...
However, today I abandoned all work and projects to bake 2 cakes. My sisters and I planned a get-together to celebrate Mother's Day and also group birthdays tomorrow. The cakes are my contribution. So today, Linda and I baked Carrot cake and Chocolate Moist cake. Not cuppies this time around, but round cakes.
To tell you the truth, we are not qualified in baking. The only class we attended was this cupcake deco demo last year and the class sucked. We tested recipes from the Internet and some were given by friends (yang sure sedap punya). We learned from YouTube on how to frost and decorate cakes. Since this is not a full-time work, we are short of tools. Nak beli banyak takut membazir - baking tools are quite expensive. So, we make do with a few "compulsory" ones and try our best :). But I must say, ever since we started baking, dapat juga earn extra income.
Anyway, I proudly present our cakes! They might not look delicious, but they sure are finger-licking good.
The Chocolate Moist cake. We definitely must improve on our hand-writing. Asyik menaip pakai computer je dah lama tak pakai pen except to sign cheques! (BTW, this is Linda's hand-writing, not mine!)
The Carrot cake. This cream cheese frosting is quite "cair" because we used extra lemon juice (the lemon I picked was too ripe!). This cake is heavenly :)
However, today I abandoned all work and projects to bake 2 cakes. My sisters and I planned a get-together to celebrate Mother's Day and also group birthdays tomorrow. The cakes are my contribution. So today, Linda and I baked Carrot cake and Chocolate Moist cake. Not cuppies this time around, but round cakes.
To tell you the truth, we are not qualified in baking. The only class we attended was this cupcake deco demo last year and the class sucked. We tested recipes from the Internet and some were given by friends (yang sure sedap punya). We learned from YouTube on how to frost and decorate cakes. Since this is not a full-time work, we are short of tools. Nak beli banyak takut membazir - baking tools are quite expensive. So, we make do with a few "compulsory" ones and try our best :). But I must say, ever since we started baking, dapat juga earn extra income.
Anyway, I proudly present our cakes! They might not look delicious, but they sure are finger-licking good.