We achieved a lot this weekend and I am so very tired. After breakfast this morning we watered the grass and the pokok lengkuas and pandan we planted yesterday. Today tambah satu lagi pokok - halia.
Hubby tanamkan pokok lengkuas at my taman herba petang semalam. Those cowgrass are the squares I dug up at my parents' place. Next week nak kena gali lagi.
The barren spot now looks a teeny weeny bit better with some cowgrass, lengkuas, pandan and halia. Next week nak tanam serai, kunyit and bring over my pokok cili and limau purut.
Our garden now - spots of grass sebab nak jimat belanja sikit. Andy, the guy from the nursery said they will look better in a few weeks' time. The empty spots are for our future gazebo and pond - yang belum tau bila nak buat.
From another angle. That's my little yellow frangipani. FOC from Andy. Another palm tree - the fox tail on the right - is also FOC. He's given good service and price thus far, so let I'm going to promote him. His nursery is at Seksyen 15 Bandar Baru Bangi opposite the Petronas station. If you are from the Bangi toll heading towards UKM after the first roundabout, it's on your left.
Our living room feature wall in red. Suka hatilah kan nak cat colour apa! Hehehe... we love this.

Today we settled all payments for the garden. Then went to pick up our new carpets. Then shop for sofa bed for our guest room and a few other pieces of furniture. We are set to move :)
aku ni tengah heran, makin rumah aku nak siap, makin rajin ada org tu dtg sini. tiap2 hari. busybody nyeee... aku rasa dia tengah imagine, kalaulah dia yg duduk rumah tu, nak cat warna apa... nak tanam pokok apa...
Kepada org yg masih tak sedar2 gak lagi yg awak tu sbenarnya amat2 lah dibenci oleh org bawak2 lah menyedarkan diri tu. Tak malu ke?
p/s: akak, miqdam takde blog ke nak di hack dengan comment dan kata-kata seruan...? (cepatlah miqdam, cepatlah jajah tanah Nilai pulak!)
hehehe... bila pindah rumah baru kak?
Insyaallah in 2 weeks' time pindah - school hols.