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I'm so tired... I just finished my slides for tomorrow's presentation. We actually just came back from Melaka about 8.30pm just now. My mother-in-law is not well and hospitalised. When we saw her yesterday she was on drips of sodium. Salt level too low. And she coughs quite bad that her chest hurt (macam I kena last year je). And she's on her usual medication for diabetes and high-blood pressure.

I sat and talked with her. Dia kata kepala dia pening sangat. At one time she was shivering and I put on her a blanket and her sweater. I held her hand and she whispered weakly to me - "Za, mak penat makan ubat banyak sangat. Tiap-tiap pagi nurse bagi dekat 15 biji ubat. Mak dah penat makan ubat Za...". I just gripped her hand and told her she needs to take the medications and not to say stuff like that...

I didn't see her today because Aliyah had a fever. That night after we came back from the hospital Aliyah demam panas both of us couldn't sleep the whole night. The air-cond at the hospital was too cold agaknya and it was also raining. So today Hubby suruh both of us to stay home while he went visit his mother. Takut Aliyah demam lagi. My mother-in-law was better today she could get up on her own to go to the toilet. That's good news, Alhamdulillah... And Aliyah pun dah Ok sikit. Musim...

My own mother is also not so well she had a fever for the past few days. I must see her tomorrow. Maybe bring her some cupcakes she loves so much...
