These few days have been busy. I just wrapped up the translation work for our regular client, now waiting for 2 last files to come in. There'll be a presentation to a potential client next Monday for a web development project. We have been short-listed for second round. I'm not putting much hope actually, usually these kind of projects memang dah ada orangnya. But then, mana tahu ada rezeki... I have an excellent team on board and their portfolio saja dah berjaya "mengerunkan" our client tu. Hehehe... tu pasal la short-listed kot. Now mentally tengah strategize how do I wiggle away from the need to show "concept designs". We don't have that, but our prototype dah 75% ready for them to use. Should do the trick. I really hope these people value experience and expertise rather than beautiful [deceiving] designs.
On that SME project, we have completed 5 rounds of interviews. I only went to 2 having other stuff to do. But the interviews were amazing. This morning Hajar and me had a long discussion on the data we gathered. Memang boleh tulis another book! That's why we are going all out with this project so that I can propose to use the same data for another project. Such a waste that we have so much material but will only use so little - the ones only related to e-business. Trust me, if you read the transcripts that we have, you will be inspired to start your own e-business now - yes, as in now!
Anyway, Aliyah tak sekolah today, dia selsema sikit. Yesterday both of us were drenched in the heavy rain at her school. Malam tadi I terus demam nasib baik Hubby ada ubat demam dia yang very good (sebab dia demam teruk last week), so, those plus Vit C pills, I terus OK this morning. Ehem, husband I sayang kat I ya. Kalau tak sayang, takkan lah dia jaga I... Hehehehe... (Sorry, cannot resist!). Sayang dengan takut bini lain OK. Sayang means unconditional love - susah dan senang sama-sama, sakit dan sihat pun sama-sama. Takut bini - tengok lah cerita P. Ramlee - Do Re Mi.
Just a feast for your eyes...
First bloom... Pokok I tanam dah berbunga...
Aliyah wearing the corduroy jacket I bought her. She loves the jacket. Dia kata macam nak ride a horse je - equestrian!
We found the perfect little fish pond for Aliyah at Nilai 3 last week. It costs lah - the platform being kayu Cengal. But soooo beautiful and perfect for our daughter, my hubby couldn't resist. We can imagine her sitting on the platform bagi her fish makan while talking to them. We put a little deposit. Dapat free 5 stone steps and 2 bags of batu sungai. We showed her this picture and she was so happy.
On that SME project, we have completed 5 rounds of interviews. I only went to 2 having other stuff to do. But the interviews were amazing. This morning Hajar and me had a long discussion on the data we gathered. Memang boleh tulis another book! That's why we are going all out with this project so that I can propose to use the same data for another project. Such a waste that we have so much material but will only use so little - the ones only related to e-business. Trust me, if you read the transcripts that we have, you will be inspired to start your own e-business now - yes, as in now!
Anyway, Aliyah tak sekolah today, dia selsema sikit. Yesterday both of us were drenched in the heavy rain at her school. Malam tadi I terus demam nasib baik Hubby ada ubat demam dia yang very good (sebab dia demam teruk last week), so, those plus Vit C pills, I terus OK this morning. Ehem, husband I sayang kat I ya. Kalau tak sayang, takkan lah dia jaga I... Hehehehe... (Sorry, cannot resist!). Sayang dengan takut bini lain OK. Sayang means unconditional love - susah dan senang sama-sama, sakit dan sihat pun sama-sama. Takut bini - tengok lah cerita P. Ramlee - Do Re Mi.
Just a feast for your eyes...
fish pond aliyah takda rumput jadi tak payah guna pencakar. terpaksalah guna untuk meratakan muka siamang yang mengerutu sahaja.
You know, sometimes I feel sorry for that person. Tapi kan, sapa suruh buat hal kan. Hari tu dah elok2 mintak ampun maaf dengan I, lepas tu buat hal balik. Kan dah kena teruk... Dia tak kena dengan I, kena pulak dengan kawan2 I... Thank you ya :)
Tapi I don't care what she thinks anyway. Yang penting - hubby I rasa I cantik pada mata dia and that I am the love of his life. And anak I kata I jaga dia baik sangat and dia sayang I sangat-sangat. And receiving "I love yous" from both of them every day is simply the best. Lagipun, hubby I dah bagi berdas-das dusyums kat dia in his final email. Kalau I lah jadi dia, I akan buat macam burung ostrich tu - benam kepala dalam pasir and duduk diam-diam.