Yesterday Hubby came home with aching legs due to too many walks up and down the offices to meet people. Aliyah nicely told her father, "Lepas makan nanti Aliyah urut kaki Abah OK,". And after dinner, she asked her Abah to lie down, use her trusted Minyak Telon (which we still use on her whenever she gets stomachache) and massaged Hubby's legs. I don't think that Minyak Telon did much to relieve his pain, but the little hands who massaged him did.
Today, after dinner, I was doing my weekly washing and scrubbing of Aliyah's school uniforms and Hubby's work shirts (all the while thinking - I just completed 4 sets of proposals today, submitted them by hand successfully before the due date, celebrated by having apple crumble cheese cake at Secret Recipe, all the while being the MD of a consultation company, and now here I am scrubbing clothes on the floor being a normal housewife...), when Aliyah poked her head at the bathroom door asking me, "Mommy nak Aliyah tolong apa-apa?".
She is so nice...