The progress at Week 5. Yesterday, Hubby and me spent the whole morning measuring lengths for the house's new curtains. For rooms yang can be recycled, we'll recycle lah. Miqdam said the house will be completed in just a few weeks' time. They have cemented the floor and plastered the walls. Plumbing and electrical works are almost complete also. They'll start on the tiles soon.
The window at the kitchen. The concrete for kitchen cabinet has not started yet. I got my wish to have the platform to put pots of herbs at the window.
Ada orang makan hati? Kuang, kuang, kuang... Dah berangan nak pegi kerja sama2. Dia ingat senang? My eldest brother just live 2 blocks away. Jangan main2... dia kalau marah main kejar orang dengan parang je. Lagi2 kalau ada orang buat adik kesayangan dia ni...
En. Bahaman nak join sama tak?