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Did You Vote For Earth?

I do my best for the earth, even though not much. I try to recycle - basically collect all plastics and aluminums and pass them to my father who will sell them. So, selalu dapat around RM10 which I will put into Aliyah's account. Other than that let's see... I try to switch off the lights bila tak pakai... Memang not much.

Earth Hour yesterday, we were off to my parents' place for dinner - Miqdam belanja satay. So, I switched off all lights except for the one at the porch, for safety reasons of course. At my parents' place, hmm... orang tua manalah nak observe earth hour ni. I switched off the lights at the living area, my mother bising cakap gelap.

But my daughter was so cute arguing with her Mak Long about switching off the lights. I told her what earth hour is, some basics about global warming and stuff. So, over satay, nasi impit and kuah kacang, my eldest sister told her that there is no need to switch off lights, but Aliyah argued back - "Kita mesti jaga bumi", and some other facts I was so surprised that she remembered.

I was so proud of her.
