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Over the Past Days

Over these past days...

My nephew Izzul started his practical training with us starting Monday. I believe in the arrangement that I teach and expose him to the actual stuff going on - the trends, technologies, etc, then he decide what he wish to do. Not so much of having to come to office 9-5 daily. After 2 sessions of "consultations", I could see that he's interested in web development and a bit of inclination towards mobile. Now, dah ada assignment which he's supposed to finish in the next 2-3 months. OK la kan buat practical training dengan I. Kalau tempat lain, more often than not kena jadi "office boy". Hehee...
I love my walks to this client's office at this green building. This huge huge fan really cools the walkway. I just wish the tenants would use natural lights from the glass windows than switching on lights.
Tabby tunjuk perasaan. Nak makan tapi malas nak layan.
Yesterday, after her 2nd day of Bengkel Teknik Menjawab Soalan (from 7.30am-2pm), took her for roti telur and she finished 2 plates. Itulah kerja we all kat office sementara menunggu Abahnya balik. Usually by 5.30-6pm memang dah orang kata "sampai kat hidung" with the office. So, we go down pekena roti canai or cendol.
View from kedai mamak. Such a beautiful and cool afternoon. Just after the rain.
