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Little Reunion

Aliyah and I took a trip to Tanjung Karang today. My good friend from school - Mas - invited this lot of ex-ATPNers to her Mom's place for makan-makan before she goes off to follow her husband to Turkmenistan. Yup, Turkmenistan. Punyalah susah nak sebut! Our little group from Bangi set off at around 10am++. Naik kereta Ijun - Prius C. Dah lama nak try naik kereta hybrid ni. Very nice. (Ijun isi minyak 2 minggu sekali? Sangat jimat...).

Sampai around 12.15pm. We were the first to arrive and terus dihidang dengan Nasi Ambeng Warung Ibu. Sangatlah awesomenya. Warung ni agak famous kat Tanjung Karang, within the compound of the house. Siap rumah tu jadi homestay lagi. Teringat masa Form 4 dulu - masa my parents pegi Haji - this big group of us of about 8 people spent a week at the house. Buat aktiviti kampung. Siap pegi sawah padi.

It was such a fun meet up. I dah lama sangat tak join sesi jumpa-jumpa ni. I almost forgot how much fun such meet can be. Even Aliyah had fun :). Masa balik Abahnya tanya - apa yang Mommy dan kawan-kawan dia borak? Aliyah kata - tak paham sangat. So, I asked her - habis tu Aliyah asyik ketawa je. She said - ye la, yang Aliyah paham, Aliyah ketawa lah! When we meet as a group memang asyik ketawa je :).

And as usual - bapak Mas akan tanya sorang demi sorang - prong preng prong preng prong... [cakap Jawa yang sepatah haram tak paham] Jawa? Tak Pakcik... saya Melayu. Hehehe... Bila sampai kat Ijun dan Ayu - terus speaking!
Dari masa duduk ATPN sampai lah sekarang, bila nak ambik gambar mesti akan group into - the "lonjs" (the lonjongs - tall ones), the "serds" (yang serdehana tinggi) and the "sonts" (the sontots - pendek!). I termasuk dalam group Lonjs. Anyway, rumah Mas ni still maintain rumah kampung features. Very nice...
