Our office is due for new tenancy agreement. The whole 3-storey was bought by another party. We have been pestered on rent increment for months. Since early November, we have been trying to get the increment reduced. Hubby siap pergi jumpa lawyer dengan Robert - the real estate agent who handles our Puchong apartment sale. Alhamdulillah, dapat kurang RM500 than initial amount. Next, came the amount that we need to pay - aduii... punyalah banyak. We need to top-up the deposits, + legal fees, + 2 months advance rent. Memang tak mampu nak bayar. I was really down for weeks. Memang sangat sayang dengan office tu. Just a couple of weeks ago, I thought of offering the office for take over to our tenants. Mula-mula ada 2 yang interested. Agaknya bila tengok amount nak kena keluar, terus tak jadi. Seriously, ingat senang ke nak rent an office? The amount to fork out is over rm5K.
It was back to square one... At one point, ingat nak offer to Bro Muzz. I don't mind losing on the amount that we have paid for renovation and furniture, as long as I still can maintain the office. Lagipun, who ever yang take over actually can make profit. We have 9 tenants - the collection (ehem, on paper) is more than the rent. There are still 5-6 workstations vacant that can still be rented out. Tapi masa jumpa dia to present our website design last week, tak terbuka pulak mulut nak offer.
Just a few minutes later, on our way back, Linda called. She said - the new owner called saying (after much thought I believe) no need to top-up the deposit, no need to give any advance payment, just pay legal fees and continue monthly payments as usual. Alhamdulillah, Allah bagi pertolongan... balik tu terus buat sujud syukur... I guess this is a sign that we still need to maintain the office. For our sake, and for the sake of the other tenants whom we have now become friends...
It was back to square one... At one point, ingat nak offer to Bro Muzz. I don't mind losing on the amount that we have paid for renovation and furniture, as long as I still can maintain the office. Lagipun, who ever yang take over actually can make profit. We have 9 tenants - the collection (ehem, on paper) is more than the rent. There are still 5-6 workstations vacant that can still be rented out. Tapi masa jumpa dia to present our website design last week, tak terbuka pulak mulut nak offer.
Just a few minutes later, on our way back, Linda called. She said - the new owner called saying (after much thought I believe) no need to top-up the deposit, no need to give any advance payment, just pay legal fees and continue monthly payments as usual. Alhamdulillah, Allah bagi pertolongan... balik tu terus buat sujud syukur... I guess this is a sign that we still need to maintain the office. For our sake, and for the sake of the other tenants whom we have now become friends...