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Alhamdulillah... Masih Boleh Repair

I am not a gadget person. So, while everybody has started using iPhones and Androids, I still use my E75 Nokia Symbian. To me, as long as I can make calls, send SMSes, make some notes and use the calendar, very very fine with me. The past 2 days rasa so useless. My phone decided it's time to take a rest. Out of the cinema after watching The Hobbit for the second time, I immediately took out my phone. It's reflex, you see. 3 hours confined in a dark room will surely ensure at least a couple of missed calls and SMSes. But then, I realised that I could not scroll up and down, left and right either. Restarted the phone and can't even enter my PIN. Aduss... The drive home was one of the longest - my phone can't be used, Aliyah forgot to bring hers... Felt so insecure. What if something happen? Seriously, how did we survive without mobile phones last time???

Yesterday we scouted around, today finally got to send the phone for repair. Nasib baik lah tak mahal and siap in half an hour. Alhamdulillah... my contacts, notes, calendar, etc all are in tact. Semoga boleh pakai lagi many more years to come. 
