Alhamdulillah, syukur pada Allah swt. We just nailed 2 projects these 2 days. Semalam dapat request for quotation from our regular insurance company untuk translation work. They have new products to launch in February. Our contact said there are more to come. Should be the usual - policy, brochures, etc. Today, dapat confirmation to start work on the first batch of materials. Yesterday, setelah Hubby menunggu hampir 1 hari kat office Bro Muzz, akhirnya dapat PO for intranet & website development yang telah dipursue for the last 2 months. Next week start work.
Alhamdulillah ya Allah. That consultation work masih menunggu confirmation. Which actually is a blessing. Sebab then we can focus on these 2 projects. Lagipun, I pening kepala pikir transport arrangement if we were to start that work immediately. Hope it will start after school commences so that we can better plan our time.
Alhamdulillah ya Allah. That consultation work masih menunggu confirmation. Which actually is a blessing. Sebab then we can focus on these 2 projects. Lagipun, I pening kepala pikir transport arrangement if we were to start that work immediately. Hope it will start after school commences so that we can better plan our time.