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Last Day of 2012 - My Reconstructed Heart

On this last day of the year, I am at the office, buried deep in translation work that has started to make my back ache. These stinging sounds of the drill really disturbs. Some workers are here installing the access door system. It is high time we install it. The number of tenants has increased. One tenant actually broke the key of the glass door (leaving half of the key inside the keyhole) a few months ago and since then we have been having problems with the door.

While doing this monotonous work of formatting the translated work into the format requested by the client, I try to recall what 2012 has been - for me, my family, my company. One thing for sure - it has been such a tough year. From all aspects - financially and personally. However, the challenge has opened my eyes to the true meaning of kinship and friendship. It has taught me that even in the tough test of times, there are generous and kind people all around us. That is such a blessing. And I thank Allah swt for such wonderful people around - from brothers and sisters, from good friends to newly acquired friends and even business acquaintance, from clients old and new - they have all made the tough gets going. (Well speed is irrelevant!).

One thing good that came about from this year is - my "reconstructed" heart. I believe such hardness in life has made the heart more resilient. For I know now the true meaning of "redha". And I am so glad that finally Allah has installed that in my heart. I accept all that come my way as a challenge and a test for I always believe that Allah will not impose on anybody more that he or she can bear. There is even hadith that says: "When Allah desires good for someone, He tries him with hardships". The hardships that I go through has taught me that "good" doesn't always be what one wishes for, but the "good" that the Lord wishes for us to realise. And being "redha" is something that I believe Allah wishes me to understand and realise. It is such a relief now when even during the most difficult of times that I can be genuinely happy for someone else's fortune, that I can say Alhamdulillah for other people's success, that I can smile when people comment about other people's fortunes and remark - "that is the person's rezeki from Allah... who are we to question".

I might write more... I hope my journey can be a lesson learned for other people...

Happy New Year...
