It's been a boring weekend actually. It's work, then rest, then work, then housework, then work again... Didn't go anywhere. We spent the weekend baby-sitting our "menantu". Jimie's wife gave birth to a baby boy and they spent the weekend at the hospital. So, Fifi the cat was left outside and dengan pandainya came over. But Bubu doesn't really fancy her though. Fifi tu berlagak sikit kot. The going-ons at our home:
Ini lah Fifi
We had tea at the patio - cekodok ikan bilis and a pot of hot tea with daun misai kucing. Masa bawak food outside, I told Hubby we are having tea outside, terus teringat cerita Madu Tiga: "Bang, lepas mandi kita minum dekat laman. Hah? Mata-mata datang bawak saman?". Anyway, that's him siram rumput lepas kenyang pekena cekodok.
I think I've taken this angle for hundreds of times. I dunno, I just love this part of the house.
The fishes have grown.
Many many weeks ago, we had dinner at Bagan Lalang with Yatt. She later asked for a few kelapa muda from a stall sebab plan nak keringkan and plant her orchids in them. We were entrusted with the task of mengeringkan. What happened was - the kelapa dried up and shrunk and the top and bottom have holes. I told Yatt, the nice ones sold at nurseries tu kelapa tua kot, not the ones that we experimented on. Anyway, I now use them to plant coriander seeds and used one to plant misai kucing. I put a big stone at the bottom but had to use my fingers to squeeze in the plant and soil sebab opening too narrow. Anyway, looks kinda nice pulak...
