My vegetable patch is flourishing. So are the weeds! Anyway, I happily snapped some pictures this morning in the cool morning-after-the-rain air.
Pokok misai kucing doing well. This patch used to be the planted with pokok limau kasturi but it died a few weeks ago. This patch keeps too much water, not suitable for pokok limau. Apparently, pokok misai kucing loves water, kejap saja the bush dah banyak daun,
Have replanted my sawi...
My sister-in-law Azah gave this plant. She said it's mulberry. The leaves look very similar to hibiscus though. She bought this but decided to give me instead sebab dia kata I ni green fingers :) At the wall are two plants of peria yang besar tu. I put two lines up to the grill so that the plants can climb up. I love that kind of peria - my father panggil "kambas". Goreng belacan and cili api sedap... Pahitlah sikit...
Those are coriander plants. Dulu I tak suka coriander leaves - pernah chew on a garnishing atas spaghetti, the taste was too overpowering. But then, the mamak downstairs my office puts the leaves in a lot of their dishes, especially curry and sedap... I have tried putting chopped coriander leaves into rendang. Hubby and Aliyah love it. A few days ago I chopped up some for chicken sandwich, pun sedap... Fresh herbs.