Veggies cooked for buka puasa yesterday - sawi goreng with garlic saja. But so very fresh taken from my veggie patch. The serai was for tomyam putih yang Aliyah mintak. And the cili api were for daging goreng kunyit. I have a grown cili api plant now given by my mother-in-law. We spent the long weekend in Melaka and came back with loads for plants. She gave pokok misai kucing (remedy for diabetes and kidney stone), these pokok dunno what name warna maroon yang hubby dah tanam all over and a pot of plants like keladi - that to replant in a nicer pasu and put beside the pond.

It rained this morning. The weather was so nice and refreshing. The fishes were having a ball under the raindrops swimming very close to the surface. Even the tortoise joined the fun. I saw it at the top of the castle with its head out of the water surface taking in the raindrops.