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Bubu aka Eddie Murphy

Bubu has been sneezing and not feeling well for the past few days. Dia tido belakang sofa can hear him sneeze every few minutes. Bunyi dia sneeze dah macam bunyi orang bersin! So, yesterday Hubby took him to the Vet near our house. Vet ni memang dah kenal sangat dengan Bubu. In fact, we put Bubu for boarding last Raya holidays for 4 days. So, after spending 4 days at the clinic, Vet tu dah kenal sangat dengan perangai dia.

Anyway, Hubby came back telling me the Vet gave Bubu pills to swallow. Punyalah susah nak bagi dia makan ubat asyik dok teriak je. And he told me the Vet calls Bubu - Eddie Murphy - sebab mulut kucing I tak boleh nak diam. Asyik membebel je!
