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Another PICC Buka Puasa

Yes, we went there again last Saturday. This time around with Yatt and Mint. But the second time was not as enjoyable as the first though. There were too many people. Perhaps it's because it's almost the end of Ramadhan and people rushed to have those buka puasa sessions with friends and family before Hari Raya.

We had to park at the basement because the guard said "Tun" is coming over. I don't know which Tun she spoke of, but we didn't see any Tuns around. Obviously, such VIPs have a private room lah kan.

I always feel good after an outing with the girls. But Aliyah got so sleepy at 9.30pm that we had to head home. I told Yatt, we'll get together after Hari Raya to "ngopi".
My little big eater. The food was as good as before.
