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Power Rangers?

Orang lain sibuk-sibuk pergi tengok Beauty & the Beast, kita orang pergi tengok Power Rangers😆. Aliyah nak tengok, Hubbs pulak semalam ialah his day off from work. Jadinya, anak-beranak pergi tengok, sama-sama dengan budak-budak Sekolah Alam Shah😁. 15 minutes into the movie, I said to myself - why am I watching this? Clearly not my kind of movie. Aliyah seemed to enjoy herself. So was Hubbs. OKlah tu. I stuffed myself with caramel popcorns.
Not too bad. Just not a fan. Tapi impressive juga👍.

Beauty & the Beast is next. Itu wajib tonton. I love the animated version. Imagine - the first animated movie to be nominated top 5 for best picture for Oscar. Baru tadi tengok sekali lagi. Siap boleh recite the introduction! Hahaha... I dulu memang suka beli soundtrack tapes dan pasang dalam kereta masa driving. Soundtrack cerita ni dah pusing berpuluh kali sampai kembang kot. Anyway, it's either tomorrow or Thursday😍.
