For the past 2 days, daily schedule ada perubahan sikit. In the morning, Hubby either cycle to shop, or I send him. He doesn't come back in the afternoon. I stay home, cook, get Aliyah to have lunch, send her to school, send some lauk to yang tersayang, have a short chit-chat, then go to the shop and have lunch with Hubby. So far, so good.
Yang tak goodnya cuma my iBook project stagnant for almost 2 weeks. Seriously can't find time to do it. Ada time, idea tak ada pulak... Kena kuatkan semangat!
Two bags of food. Today's lunch - kari ayam nyonya dan tahu goreng dengan taugeh disiram kuah rojak. Penat dan huru-hara sebenarnya especially at "peak hour" ie 12.00-12.30pm. Hari ni lagi lah sebab kena bawak Aliyah cari T Shirt putih plain for her PE class in the morning. Anak dara I ni suka bagitau last minute!