We have started on a few daily schedule alternatives. Hari ni - Hubby went to shop, I stayed home, cooked lunch, Hubby comes back from shop at 12.15pm, we have lunch, then send Aliyah to school, then we go to the shop. He seemed to like this alternative better because of the home-cooked lunch :). Walaupun lauk sangat simple ie kari ayam dan sayur kobis tapi obviously tasted better than eating out. Insyaallah will "implement" this while we try to understand our customer pattern/behaviour.
What I'm trying to include is cycling. For now can't seem to fit that in. By the time balik rumah memang dah flat. Esok pagi-pagi morning pun tak larat nak bangun awal. Must try to sleep early and wake up early for morning ride macam dulu-dulu. At least dapat 15kms and come back home at 9.30am pun dah cukup bagus. Really need to get healthy. It's my new year resolution. A good friend from ATPN had a stroke last week. Late last year, a friend from ATDI - the boys' hostel - had a stroke too. So, I am so worried.
Anyway, a little digression - this new year should be used as the point to look back at the "not-so-good" experience and learn from it. And to look at the "good" experience to improve oneself. One thing for sure, and I am still learning to embrace this even though I believe I have improved tremendously, never ever put blame on others for one's own problems or mishaps or whatever. It is really easy to that kan? Asal things don't go well saja - salahkan orang lain.
Diri kita sendiri kena audit dulu. And more often than not, we will find that diri sendiri sebenarnya yang bermasalah, bukan orang lain. Lagipun, dunia ini bentuknya bulat. What goes around comes around. Allah Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu.
What I'm trying to include is cycling. For now can't seem to fit that in. By the time balik rumah memang dah flat. Esok pagi-pagi morning pun tak larat nak bangun awal. Must try to sleep early and wake up early for morning ride macam dulu-dulu. At least dapat 15kms and come back home at 9.30am pun dah cukup bagus. Really need to get healthy. It's my new year resolution. A good friend from ATPN had a stroke last week. Late last year, a friend from ATDI - the boys' hostel - had a stroke too. So, I am so worried.
Anyway, a little digression - this new year should be used as the point to look back at the "not-so-good" experience and learn from it. And to look at the "good" experience to improve oneself. One thing for sure, and I am still learning to embrace this even though I believe I have improved tremendously, never ever put blame on others for one's own problems or mishaps or whatever. It is really easy to that kan? Asal things don't go well saja - salahkan orang lain.
Diri kita sendiri kena audit dulu. And more often than not, we will find that diri sendiri sebenarnya yang bermasalah, bukan orang lain. Lagipun, dunia ini bentuknya bulat. What goes around comes around. Allah Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu.