Finally the day came! The night before penuh la rumah I dengan family my Kak Long. Rumah dah la jarang berkemas especially ever since we opened the shop. Early in the morning, breakfast at Angah's house. Semua orang siap-siap except Hubby and I yang datang pakai jeans and T Shirt je. Maklumlah, akan bertugas di clubhouse. After wishing Ejat good luck, off they went to Masjid Sg Ramal, while Hubby and I got ready to go to the clubhouse. At first, both of us thought our task will be a difficult one. This was based on my previous experience with weddings of Nizam and my BILs and SILs. There were always a lot of things to oversee and do. With that expectation, we went "full force" to the clubhouse. However, it turned out that we actually have the easiest task of all. Because - Angah engaged the most professional caterer I have ever encountered. When we reached there, the place was buzzing with activities. The staff were working at their stations with the speed of lightning ...
It was Sarah for the first 5 years of her life then one fine day she decided to be called Aliyah instead. This is the story of Aliyah's mother, her family and her thoughts.