Last Monday was literally a manic Monday. Early morning we registered Aliyah at her new school. Since anak gadis ku tak bawak balik surat penempatan when she was supposed to and put it instead in her personal folder at school, we didn't get to read thoroughly what was needed. So, first pit stop was her primary school to collect the folder - with all her certificates, etc. Then, to the new school. Apparently she was supposed to wear school uniform. Good thing the clerk at the school was not so fussy. Kena keluar kejap pegi photocopy some documents pulak and then come back. But very fast and easy registration. Come 31 Dec, we need to attend the official registration.
After that off to JPN to make Aliyah's IC. Yup, tak buat lagi. Almost a month already! And salah timing as the place was packed with people. We had more than 100 in queue in front of us! Since dah pergi, hadap je lah. Mula-mula kena pegi update birth certificate (that took us more than 1 hour), lepas tu ambik nombor untuk buat IC pulak (another more than 1 hour).
The process was super quick but there were too many people. The next morning IC pun siap. Bila pergi collect - the place was so empty! Moral of story - don't come on a Monday during school holidays. Anyway, Aliyah dah ada IC sekarang :). Right after, terus pergi Alamanda to get her a new purse.
After that off to JPN to make Aliyah's IC. Yup, tak buat lagi. Almost a month already! And salah timing as the place was packed with people. We had more than 100 in queue in front of us! Since dah pergi, hadap je lah. Mula-mula kena pegi update birth certificate (that took us more than 1 hour), lepas tu ambik nombor untuk buat IC pulak (another more than 1 hour).
The process was super quick but there were too many people. The next morning IC pun siap. Bila pergi collect - the place was so empty! Moral of story - don't come on a Monday during school holidays. Anyway, Aliyah dah ada IC sekarang :). Right after, terus pergi Alamanda to get her a new purse.
Aliyah wears tudung now. Her own decision. Alhamdulillah... she started wearing on Saturday - right after she finished school.