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Aliyah's Last Day of Primary School

Yesterday was the last time Aliyah walked out of the school gate as a student. As per my writing, I am so very emotional this week. Apparently, I am not alone (which proves that I am not insane). Hubby's ex-boss Hizwani shared the same sentiment. And it's his 4th child. And he shed some tears during the school's graduation ceremony.

I am forever grateful to Aliyah's teachers - since her short stint at SK Bangi and then SK Seri Putra the year after. My prayer - semoga mereka mendapat ganjaran sebesar-besar ganjaran dari Allah swt. Amin...
 That last steps through the gates...
 Making faces...
Rambut kena simbah tepung. Must be boys! Right after, lunch at her favourite place - Subway.
Suka buat mata bulat besar macam tu!
