We spent the weekend mostly at home except for Aliyah's piano class and one trip to Giant for grocery. So much fun we can have at home...
Sesi membuat donut - I tried making the donut as per my SIL Mijah's recipe. Rasa dah hampir sama, but the shapes still fail. I need to knead the dough harder lah... Hubby and Aliyah tolong bulat-bulatkan...
Aliyah enjoying the donuts - the ones she made became "C" instead of "O".
Kiki having a nap after coming back from the Vet for his vaccine. Hubby said the Doc said, "See you in one year's time for another vaccine!". That's what he said to Bubu last time... sigh...
Aliyah has picked up golf again. She practices at night hitting at the hole at my "bantut" pine tree.
Our quiet time sitting by the fish pond.
