It's week 9 now. It feels like forever pulak. Bila boleh pindah nih? Pictures this morning taken after breakfast.
The wall is almost completed. Cepatnya diaorang kerja. This is actually the cheapest kind of wall we can get. But I actually like this because it doesn't suffocate. I hate the trend nowadays where walls/fences are more than one's height tall, it feels like a prison. This is half concrete, half iron rods. I can still see people outside, and people can still see what's going on inside.
Look at the angry clouds I captured!
Hubby plans to install electric gate, one fine day, dunno when. Bila ada duit lah. So, there is a need for a small gate at the side.
The porch from another angle. The white boards are plaster ceiling for the kitchen.
Our bedroom.
Our jamban, if someone needs to know.
