When I was sick last week, Hubby did all the monitoring of our new house. I datang pun dengan mind yg not working so properly. This morning baru I really go and had a good look. The workers are working elsewhere today. Miqdam must have an urgent project to finish.
Ini actually gambar last week. Hubby kutip shards of broken tiles yg dia later nak buat stepping stones for the garden.
This was taken last Friday. Hubby balik kerja terus clean up the windows yg dah tinted tapi kena plaster ceiling sikit. Hubby I ni memang rajin jaga barang :)
Cornice for for living area dah siap. Hubby yg pilih design cornice ni. Too many design options I pening.
Tiles for kitchen top dan siap and yg dlm half way thru. Last Saturday we finalised out kitchen cabinet design - we chose yg terus sampai ceiling pasal I tak nak habuk kumpul kalau yg 2 feet punya tu. Macam-macam benda boleh terkumpul kat atas tu... Not much difference in price - a little less than RM1K. Worth it lah buat.
Plaster ceiling & cornice kat dapur pun almost siap except for the space for the kitchen cabinet. That one later when the cabinet has been installed.

