My dreams tak lah tinggi. My dreams are always something out of my reach but achievable if I were to work a little bit harder. Itulah namanya cita-cita. Kalau dream something yang tak mungkin tercapai namanya angan-angan Mat Jenin. This is about my dream car. I'm not really a car person. My purpose of having a car is to drive it around and get me to places. Anyway, my first dream car was Satria GTi. I sangat suka kereta yang "gembol" iaitu rendah, agak debab dan laju. Before I got married I drove a 1.3 Satria. After I got married, I sold it and share kereta Iswara my Hubby. After I got my Masters, teringin nak tukar kereta. Selepas diracun oleh my nephew Nizam, we bought Satria GTi yang sangatlah best itu.
I bagi nama dia - Si Gembol. I loved that car. It's 1.8 and Lotus technology yang awal-awal tu. Rumors has it that the later versions dah ditone-down sebab polis komplen tak larat nak kejar Satria GTi. Rumors la kan... Kalau lepas bayar tol kat Sg Besi, belum jalan tu bercantum jadi tiga lane, kereta tu dah boleh lari almost 100km/h. Best gila. Mula-mula I bawak, kalau berenti kat traffic lights and I'm the first car, selalu pucat kalau lampu dah tukar hijau and I dah pecut. Pasal bila tengok rear-view mirror, semua kereta lain tak gerak lagi. Kot-kot polis tahan, tak da pulak. Lampu memang dah confirm tukar hijau. Conclusionnya, that car was really fast, orang lain baru nak masuk gear, akak dah sampai ke mana...
After we got Aliyah, susahlah pulak kereta 2-doors ni pasal nak pasang child car seat payah. So, kena cari kereta lain. I takkan beli kereta kalau tak jumpa my dream car. So, we scouted around tapi tak beli pasal I tak minat. One day we went to JB visit my second sister yang masa tu duduk sana. We were going out for lunch when I saw this car at the hotel car park. I tanya Hubby and he said that's Volvo S40. Seriously? Mana ada Volvo sleek macam tu? Volvo kan bentuk macam kotak? So Hubby kata Volvo sekarang dah tak kotak sangat dah... Then I told him - that's my dream car! A few months later we went to Federal Auto Car Fair and found the perfect car. It's second hand tapi baru 15,000 mileage. Ceritanya ada aunty ni pakai bawak pegi pasar je. Masa test drive memang macam baru, Aliyah siap tidur sebab comfortable gila. So, we bought the car.
Warna kuning macam ni la. It was a excellent car. What can you expect from a Volvo kan? Tagline pun "Volvo for Life". This car has all the little amazing details. Contohnya, kalau you tekan minyak, volume radio kereta pun naik secara automatik sebab kereta tu tau yang bunyi bising. Bila you slow down, volume kereta tu pun slow down. Best. Tapi lama-lama, I pun dah kerja sendiri, income pun dah kurang, harga minyak naik, so we sold the car.
Hubby minat Nissan Latio, so, I agreed. Janji kereta yang safe - safe nyawa and safe minyak. So, we have been driving Latio since end 2007. Salesman Nissan si Ken tu berjaya membuat I agree to buy a Japanese car. Once you've driven a continental car, memang payah nak tukar. Lagipun, I had the new house to think of, so all my effort, energy and money is channeled to the house.
Anyway, last Saturday we went to USJ to visit my sister-in-law Angah yang baru pindah rumah baru and my mother-in-law yang ada kat sana. On the way we talked about cars and I told Hubby after our new house is completed and we moved in, I'm thinking of reactivating my dream car effort. So, Hubby pun suggested a few, kebanyakannya dream car dia ler. But he knows my wish - I wanted the Satria GTi + the Volvo S40 feeling again. Keluarlah nama-nama such as Golf GTi la, Renault Clio la (this one we all jumpa kat kedai lampu tu warna putih cantik gila...), etc. Tapi tu semua cerita-cerita lah kan.
Then, we reached Angah's house. I looked at the house and my jaw dropped. There, at Angah's porch is my (new) dream car:
Peugeot 308... Cair hatiku... We test drive the car (err... Hubby ler bawak, I tak berani la nak test drive kereta orang) and it was amazing. It's 1.6 turbo... laju... very stable... a lot of functions and features yang lady-friendly.
Kalau akak usaha lebih sikit cari projek boleh ni... Projek payment yang I tak ambik lagi tu boleh letak jadi downpayment nih... Aduss... jatuh cinta.

After we got Aliyah, susahlah pulak kereta 2-doors ni pasal nak pasang child car seat payah. So, kena cari kereta lain. I takkan beli kereta kalau tak jumpa my dream car. So, we scouted around tapi tak beli pasal I tak minat. One day we went to JB visit my second sister yang masa tu duduk sana. We were going out for lunch when I saw this car at the hotel car park. I tanya Hubby and he said that's Volvo S40. Seriously? Mana ada Volvo sleek macam tu? Volvo kan bentuk macam kotak? So Hubby kata Volvo sekarang dah tak kotak sangat dah... Then I told him - that's my dream car! A few months later we went to Federal Auto Car Fair and found the perfect car. It's second hand tapi baru 15,000 mileage. Ceritanya ada aunty ni pakai bawak pegi pasar je. Masa test drive memang macam baru, Aliyah siap tidur sebab comfortable gila. So, we bought the car.
Hubby minat Nissan Latio, so, I agreed. Janji kereta yang safe - safe nyawa and safe minyak. So, we have been driving Latio since end 2007. Salesman Nissan si Ken tu berjaya membuat I agree to buy a Japanese car. Once you've driven a continental car, memang payah nak tukar. Lagipun, I had the new house to think of, so all my effort, energy and money is channeled to the house.
Anyway, last Saturday we went to USJ to visit my sister-in-law Angah yang baru pindah rumah baru and my mother-in-law yang ada kat sana. On the way we talked about cars and I told Hubby after our new house is completed and we moved in, I'm thinking of reactivating my dream car effort. So, Hubby pun suggested a few, kebanyakannya dream car dia ler. But he knows my wish - I wanted the Satria GTi + the Volvo S40 feeling again. Keluarlah nama-nama such as Golf GTi la, Renault Clio la (this one we all jumpa kat kedai lampu tu warna putih cantik gila...), etc. Tapi tu semua cerita-cerita lah kan.
Then, we reached Angah's house. I looked at the house and my jaw dropped. There, at Angah's porch is my (new) dream car:

Kalau akak usaha lebih sikit cari projek boleh ni... Projek payment yang I tak ambik lagi tu boleh letak jadi downpayment nih... Aduss... jatuh cinta.