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House Renovation: Week 10

Rain, rain go away, come again another day... Week 10's progress not so good. Quite slow due to the rain. But it's OK, we are patient... Yesterday we went to a nursery near my office and finally found a nursery which gives us the best price to tanam rumput and a few trees. Alhamdulillah, in the course of our house renovation process, we are actually blessed to have met good people.

Our contractor Miqdam is excellent. The shop we bought the lights and fans for the house is also excellent giving us good price and advise. The aunty at our regular furniture shop is also excellent helping us choose the right kind of furniture with our kind of budget. Now the Indian guy at the nursery is another excellent supplier. We managed to get half the price that we scouted around previously.

We are now "seasoned" with this business of house renovation :)
Hubby having a smoke with the workers. They are doing details on the fence - this skirting.
The skirting completed.
They have started clearing the area. My Taman Herba will be this small. But enough la.


Dawai Kokot said…
ALAMAK dah nak siap, langsir baru suku je yg siap.
Aniza said…
Kalau tak siap... jaga kau.
bahaman said…
semua contractor dah ok, contract langsir pulak buat hal. jangan DK gantung langsuir sementara langsir tu siap cukup.
Dawai Kokot said…
Langsuir lebih sesuai dihadiahkan kat si siamang.

Jgn risau langsir gerenti siap on time.
bahaman@hangkebun said…
DK make sure langsir siap. nanti ada orang datang rumah hantar langsir yang dia dah siapkan, maklumlah ingat dia yang dapat masuk rumah tu. dia dah ready semuanya. orang cakap macam shadow cabinet pembangkang.
Dawai Kokot said…
Mesti langsir orang tu bermotifkn ikan buntal dgn latar belakang tempat pelupusan sampah. Eeeee... mesti busuk, wek...