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Spring Cleaning the Kitchen

There's a blessing in disguise of having the washing area repaired - kitchen spring cleaning. The repair work was completed on Friday except for some paint work and touch-ups. The workers didn't come during the weekend, so I started cleaning, in between spending a night at my Kak Long's place on Friday and visiting my good friend Yatt on Saturday. It is a hard decision on what to start first because it's like a chicken and egg situation. Whichever part to start, there's always the possibility of doing the cleaning work again.

I finally worked on the cabinets first - going from top to bottom. I spread a table cloth on the floor to put the stuff on. The table top was heavy with dust and grease. So, it was taking stuff out, clean up the shelves, clean up the stuff, wipe them clean and dry, rearrange the stuff and label the shelves. For food stuff - check the expiry dates, throw some out, repack others in more suitable containers, label them, rearrange them so that Aliyah has easy access. Her task was to make the labels.

I have 5 more shelves to go. The garbage amounted to almost 3 big plastic bags. What junks I have in my kitchen! Electrical item boxes, expired stuff, cookie & kerepek containers... There were even medicine for Kiki - my beloved cat I lost 2 years ago! Now, there are so much empty space. Hope we won't pile up more junks!

Insyaallah, all work to be completed tomorrow. We can then clean up the table top, the dining table and the floor. Then, the kitchen will open for business again... Alhamdulillah...
