How we started the new year? With a BBQ :)
My brother Angah's BBQ pit has been sitting invitingly at my mother's place for ages. So, I called a small BBQ gathering, not really to celebrate the new year, just to makan-makan.
The stuff I prepared this morning - marinated chicken, prawns and lamb chops, hotdogs, boiled potatoes and trifle. All ready and packed to go.
Hubby and Miq are always the ones "managing" the BBQ pit. My father was munching on a piece of lamb when he said to me: "Rajin Fairuz & Miq membakar" - in a sympathetic tone. Little did he know that the duo BBQed, picked, reserved and gobbled up the fat juicy ones while BBQing.
Anak-anak sedara busy mengupas udang...
My mother has not been well for the past few days. It got worst actually yesterday morning. I came over and cooked her some chicken porridge. She has not been eating much for days. She finished a huge bowl of porridge in a couple of hours. That gave her some energy. Today, she enjoyed the trifle I made. I guess that means that I need to cook stuff for her to send over, at least every other day.
My father with a very satisfied look. I don't know how much lamb he ate but I made sure that we made lime tea in case the "old" ones (err.. including us!) got dizzy. We bought more than 3kgs of lamb chops!
Angah demonstrating the real way to eat lamb chops - get 2-3 of the fat juicy ones, use scissors to cut the meat into bite-size pieces, put sauces at the side (black pepper or Thai chili), then pick a secluded spot and slowly eat the meat... Then rest for at least 15mins or until the next batch of meat is ready and repeat process.
My brother Angah's BBQ pit has been sitting invitingly at my mother's place for ages. So, I called a small BBQ gathering, not really to celebrate the new year, just to makan-makan.
