A few of us celebrated my brother Azlan's birthday. Most were not around today, but it doesn't stop us from enjoying good food. I was asked to bake a cake but I was not well these few days. So, they bought a blueberry cake instead, which was quite good. Obviously better than my cakes. Well, except my carrot cake, of course! (Nak menang jugak tu!).
Memasang lilin. Bukan Abahnya yg nak tiup lilin, anak-anaknya...
Azlan & his family, with my Kak Long in the middle. She cooked her delicious mee kari, but then the noodle mee she bought might be one of those which contains too much preservatives. So, after we ate, she said let's wait to see if anybody gets sick. And she said don't serve the noodles to anybody! (Luckily nobody got sick!) That evening people started eating her curry gravy with rice... Sedap...
Azlan's youngest Azwa yang comot. My father said Azwa looks exactly like me when I was a baby. Minus the comot I hope!
