Introducing the penduduk setinggan of my house - pasangan anak-beranak Snow and Mok. Snow is the mother, Aliyah yang bagi nama. Mok is the kitten, I yang bagi nama. They have now taken residency at the floor mat at our front door. Since I memang tak bagi bela cats, the closest for Aliyah to have them as pets is bela diaorang luar rumah. So, sekarang balik sekolah, she will give her tortoises makan, lepas tu bagi cats makan and play with them at the door. Our house is off-limits.
I always believe cats adalah penjaga rumah. So, everytime nak keluar rumah, I akan pesan kat these two cats - "jaga rumah ye". And when I come home, these two cats can be seen resting on the mat.
I always believe cats adalah penjaga rumah. So, everytime nak keluar rumah, I akan pesan kat these two cats - "jaga rumah ye". And when I come home, these two cats can be seen resting on the mat.