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That's a Cooking Show la Not Some Live News

I lama tak update blog. Sejak cuti skolah start ni Aliyah duduk office dengan I. She refused to go at her daycare. And I ni memang enjoy her company, so, I bawak dia gi office. Kat office I siap ada all her Barbie dolls, colour pencils, books, etc. So, she's quite occupied. However, kejap-kejap suruh ajar buat exercises, then jawab lak soalan-soalan dia yang sentiasa ada dalam kepala dia, then dia nak mintak main game la - asks me to take a break, etc. Haiyoo... one child but she's a handful. I memang tak schedule meetings this week. Good thing Hajar is with me, so dia la yang pegi buat trainings and meetings. Hehee...

Anyway, I can't help to make remarks about this cooking show lah - Cook Like a Chef. I memang suka la sesangat tengok AFC. Tengok je la orang masak kan. But this show ni macam tak masuk akal lah. I memang cukup menyampah tengok. Know why? Dah lah masak kat satu dapur yang nampak very "technical" that looks like a lab. Pas tu the lights are dim not inviting langsung. Yang paling I heran is the cameramen. Dah la cameramen ramai, pas tu cameramen tu dok lari sana, lari sini ambik shots chef tu masak macam orang buat coverage Israel kejar budak Palestine. Actually, if those cameramen are stationed in Palestine and do exactly that, lagi meaningful.

Ada one time, one chef ni ambik something hot from the oven and brought it to the table, almost nak tripped over this cameramen punya wayar camera. Pas tu dia tengah kacau pot tu, siap ada 2 cameramen dok focus kat dalam pot tu at both his sides sampai chef tu tak nampak apa dia kacau. Padahal, the camerashot at that time was from the front. So, on TV you actually see 2 ridiculous looking cameramen focusing on a pot, sangat-sangat dekat sampai steam coming from the pot memang penuh kat lense camera tu. Pas tu, chef tu nak ambik some ingredients on his left tak leh, sampai dia kena tolak sikit cameraman tu.

I was like... what stupid show is this? The concept is so irritating and stupid. Biar je la chef tu masak, ko ambik la shots from a comfortable angle. Camera tu bukan tak leh focus pun. Yang paling tak tahan cameramen lari sana lari sini tu... Ish, ish... bersungguh-sungguh.
