We had a training at the Crown Princess yesterday. So, as usual, the whole Dextra little brood were camped there. Since Hajar joined us, bertambah meriah sikit our trainings. Bukan apa, kalau idea kurang, or mengantuk, or penat mulut, I can address questions or opinions to Hajar. Heheee... especially if I see she or Linda mengantuk. Jaga korang. Aku penat-penat kat depan berdiri satu hari mengajar makan pun tak lalu, bestnya korang kat belakang ye. Actually, kalau turn Caspian yang bagi training, I pulak ambik kesempatan makan sedap and merayau kat City Square or Ampang Park.
Anyway, during lunch at the coffee house, Linda came over to our table dengan excitednya bagitau her Hero Filem Melayu ada kat situ - Tan Sri Jins Shamsuddin. We looked around tapi tak nampak. Then on the way to the lift, there he was with a bunch of people talking at the entrance of the coffee house. Oh my... he still looks handsome with that deep voice. Me and Hajar looked at him in passing and went on. Macam tak kisah la kiranya. Tapi Linda dengan takut-takut berani nya went over and asked permission to take photo. We heard him say, "Boleh, boleh..." and he posed! And for the rest of the day, Linda had this huge grin on her face.
Anyway, during lunch at the coffee house, Linda came over to our table dengan excitednya bagitau her Hero Filem Melayu ada kat situ - Tan Sri Jins Shamsuddin. We looked around tapi tak nampak. Then on the way to the lift, there he was with a bunch of people talking at the entrance of the coffee house. Oh my... he still looks handsome with that deep voice. Me and Hajar looked at him in passing and went on. Macam tak kisah la kiranya. Tapi Linda dengan takut-takut berani nya went over and asked permission to take photo. We heard him say, "Boleh, boleh..." and he posed! And for the rest of the day, Linda had this huge grin on her face.