My trip to Bali with Yatt was amazing, amazing, amazing. Dulu dengar cerita orang pegi Bali over and over again siap heran, apa lah yang best sangat tempat tu. Now that I have been there one simple word to describe the island is - amazing.
We landed in Bali at 7.45pm. (Note to self and Yatt: next time nak pegi holiday, never pick a night flight). Since it's already night time, nothing much can be done. Yatt engaged a driver recommended by her friend. So, we were met by this tour guide cum driver by the name of Made. Handsome la jugak kalau dia trim rambut sikit and letak gel tegak macam Indon celebrity tu sure lagi handsome. He sent us to Saren Indah, Ubud, by the time we reached there it was almost 10.30pm. We agreed to meet up at 8am the next day.
We woke up early every single day we were there - 5.45am. Subuh is 5.30am and by 6.15am the sun has already shine so no point tidur. Rugi je. The first morning we woke up to beautiful scenery of rice fields.
The entrance of Saren Indah. Apparently, Made said, the people of Bali purposely leave the moss and weeds (yg acceptable lah) to make their place look classic. I told Made, "Ibu saya kalau lihat lumut begini disuruh cuci!".
The rice field view from our room. Ours is a budget hotel but by our standards, I can say it's 3 star. The rooms even have bathtub and hot water. The hotel is small of just around 16 rooms but complete with swimming pool and all other 5 star facilities. The staff are so very friendly and service very tip-top. One night we came back and Yatt enquired about the restaurant closing time. Around 8.45pm, the frontdesk called our room asking whether we would like to come down for dinner because they are closing soon. Excellent service. Here we met a Singaporean couple and a few mat salleh couples, with one bringing a baby along.
The little hotel has a lot of this nice little fish ponds. Very soothing to see. This is taken from the balcony of our room. The hotel is in the midst of a rice field and in front of the balcony our room is a small patch of kebun ubi kayu. The place is surrounded by lots of trees for privacy (diaorang tak pakai pagar pun). The first night I heard funny sounds outside (siap baca ayat Kursi) till morning. Mula-mula suspen juga but then the sounds were consistent and we concluded it's the sounds of an owl or some other night birds.
A funny encounter on the first night there was I smell something like "kemenyan" but didn't want to mention it Yatt. However, later I found that it was the smell of ubat nyamuk yang coil tu! Every night a staff will come up quietly and put the ubat nyamuk at the balcony. Dah lama tak pakai that kind of ubat nyamuk, siap dah lupa bau macam mana. Kampung lifestyle yang dah jarang jumpa back home...
We landed in Bali at 7.45pm. (Note to self and Yatt: next time nak pegi holiday, never pick a night flight). Since it's already night time, nothing much can be done. Yatt engaged a driver recommended by her friend. So, we were met by this tour guide cum driver by the name of Made. Handsome la jugak kalau dia trim rambut sikit and letak gel tegak macam Indon celebrity tu sure lagi handsome. He sent us to Saren Indah, Ubud, by the time we reached there it was almost 10.30pm. We agreed to meet up at 8am the next day.
We woke up early every single day we were there - 5.45am. Subuh is 5.30am and by 6.15am the sun has already shine so no point tidur. Rugi je. The first morning we woke up to beautiful scenery of rice fields.

A funny encounter on the first night there was I smell something like "kemenyan" but didn't want to mention it Yatt. However, later I found that it was the smell of ubat nyamuk yang coil tu! Every night a staff will come up quietly and put the ubat nyamuk at the balcony. Dah lama tak pakai that kind of ubat nyamuk, siap dah lupa bau macam mana. Kampung lifestyle yang dah jarang jumpa back home...