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The Heat is On

The weather is so very hot these days. Really. That's why selalu melarikan diri ke tempat ada air-cond especially malls. Sejuk sikit. And I believe the haze is here. Not so much in the morning, tapi bila petang... boleh bau.

I ponteng 3 CBF classes. Minggu lepas tak pergi langsung. Actually my bout of insomnia is back. Memang tak boleh tidur. At times, I turun bawah tengok Grey's Anatomy pukul 2-3 pagi. So that's the reason why they air the show at those times. To cater for people like me! Oleh sebab tidur tak cukup, esok paginya kepala weng sikit. Not so good kalau pergi workout. Takut pitam. Tapi pagi tadi paksa juga diri untuk pergi. And as usual, never regret the decision. Terus rasa menyesal ponteng kelas minggu lepas 😅.  
The regulars for HW class. Bila tak datang seminggu, jumpa balik... waaahhh masing-masing nampak dah lose weight! Kelas hari ni Aqish tak kasi chance langsung. 8 workouts x 8 rounds x 20 seconds each with 5 seconds break. Paling tak tahan - rope. Dah buat 4 kali, tangan tak larat nak smash dah 😅!

My Samsung challenge is progressing slowly. Dah missed 2 stars. Tapi rasanya 3rd star ni macam boleh achieve, insyaallah. Not much exercise these past 2 weeks. Blame it on the weather 😎.

Setelah puasa semalam, hari ni bawak anak comel keluar. Oleh sebab pagi tadi dah workout gila-gila dan rasanya calorie burn sangat banyak, ikutlah suggestion anak comel nak makan tempat baru. 
 We tried KGB. Lama tak makan gourmet burger lepas TGI Fridays tutup kat Alamanda. 
Verdict - sangat sedap! Tengok anak comel punya. Over betul. Staff KGB yang sangat friendly recommended that for her sebab dia cakap dia lapar! Tak habis pun, sambung makan time dinner. After the first bite of my Tornado, I said to anak comel - "abah is so going to like this place!".

Masa dinner tadi, Hubbs took a small bite and said - " weekend ni kena pergi ni!" 😁.

Let's see... what else... Oh ya, I bayar deposit untuk trip bulan November dengan achik-achik travel minggu lepas. Dup dap dup dap jantung nak bayar. Since middle of last year start menabung okey. So far dah ready separuh. Lagi separuh ada sampai September nak save up. Insyaallah 💪. I save up guna proceeds from my sewing (tak lah banyak), my free-lance work (also, tak lah banyak) and my relentless effort in answering surveys (again, tak lah banyak sekali redeem masuk PayPal adalah USD10-20). Dalam tak banyak, tak banyak tu dapatlah jugak settlekan deposit kan 😅.

Nak ke mana? Belum boleh bagitau lagi. Clue - autumn season .
