Time just flies kan? Feels like everything happened at the blink of the eyes. Baru sangat rasanya nak comel naik Form 5, attended majlis cakna untuk SPM, then the endless rounds of sending and fetching anak comel to and from school for her daily school, extra classes, study group sessions, tuition classes (yang actually banyak juga ponteng!), then it was her exam and yesterday her results were out. But I guess my debaran for the results was not so intense. Alhamdulillah, hati memang selalu redha pada anak comel. About everything in her life. Doa sentiasa. Dan yang penting, selalu minta orang doakan anak comel. You never know doa siapa yang Allah makbulkan.
We headed to school at around 10am. Dewan sekolah kosong saja masa tu. Took our seats near the table of anak comel's Form 5 class. Senang nanti nak ambik results - pusing ke kanan saja! And then, it was almost 2 hours of waiting. Mula-mula ada briefing from a few reps from colleges, then waited for the analysis of school's performance, next result presentation to high achievers (6As and above). Gosh, I told anak comel, zaman Mommy ambik results dulu punya simple - pagi pergi Sri Aman jumpa kawan-kawan untuk ambik results (our case Ibu, our penguasa asrama, dah ambik all result slips early morning), so we headed to Kg Pandan, got our results then suka hati pergi melawat CBN dan BBGS jumpa kawan-kawan lain, then pergi merayap KL lepak McD Dayabumi to celebrate. All those in a day and we moved around by bus 💪. OK, that aside. Digress sementara menunggu!
Finally the time came. When the 6As achievers were called to the stage, 4 of her friends got called up. They are her good friends and they studied together. But she didn't got called. All the while I put my arms around her. I didn't want her to be disappointed. Of course it would be nice to see her on stage, but both Hubbs and I didn't put our hopes that high.
After the achievers got their results, the rest flocked to their previous class teachers to get their slips. Masa ni I bangun pergi tempat orang kurang sikit. Baru lah jantung rasa macam nak tercabut 😅. Allah... Alhamdulillah her results were good. Very good to our standards. But she cried saying sorry for not being one of the achievers. It's so typical of anak comel. She wanted us to be proud of her. I told her we are so proud of her no matter what she got. So, there we were hugging and crying in the middle of the hall 😢.
She got 3A and 3B+, the rest Bs, and ehem... she didn't make the cut for Add Maths! But to think of that 3B+ she actually almost joined her friends on stage. Almost. I guess she buckled up after quite a disappointing trial result and worked hard till the end. And to add to that, she got 2A for 1119 and merit for LCCI. Alhamdulillah. She really made our day 😎.
Now, the journey in the next chapter of her life has just started. Next is to get her accepted to further studies. What course and where... entahlah! We'll see this week when we login to UPUOnline. Semoga Allah permudahkan. Thank you so much to you sebab doakan anak comel. Semoga Allah berikan ganjaran sebaik-baik ganjaran to you in return. I can't thank you enough.
Anak comel pakai sepasang lagi baju arwah Mak Ngah dia. Ambil sikit semangat luar biasa Mak Ngah dia 😢.
Waiting... and waiting... and waiting...
I told anak comel, my caption for this is - "Whhhyyyy....???". Such torture.
Finally the analysis was ready. Pada hal kat sebelah kita orang, cikgu kelas anak comel dah ready pegang slip results! Tapi kena tunggu jugak analysis siap.
Our last visit to the school. Terima kasih pada semua guru-guru SMK Bandar Seri Putra, dari mula anak comel masuk Form 1 sampailah Form 5.
Mini celebration malam tu di Grato 😋.
Pagi tadi, anak comel and I ziarah pusara arwah my SIL. She would have been so proud of anak comel. And I am so sure, she was one of those yang tak putus-putus doa untuk kami. I sat by her grave and said, "Kak Ros, Aliyah dah dapat result SPM. Terima kasih sebab selalu doa untuk Aliyah...". I can just imagine her reaction if she's still around. Mesti dia peluk anak comel, ucapkan tahniah dengan senyum dia yang lebar, tanya lepas ni nak buat course apa, nak masuk mana, bagi kata-kata semangat... We really miss her.